General Manager

Mr Brett Bassett, MBA, BEd, GAICD, FGIA, CFE

Brett Bassett

Brett Bassett commenced as the General Manager for QLeave on 11 October 2021. Prior to this appointment he had been the QBCC Commissioner since May 2016.

Mr Bassett brings his regulatory background to QLeave, having held positions with the Queensland Police Service, NSW Department of Fair Trading and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

Equipped with a Bachelor of Education and a Master of Business Administration, Mr Bassett is also a fellow of the Governance Institute of Australia, a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and is a certified fraud examiner.

The Boards

We're governed by three individual Boards – the Building and Construction Industry Board, the Contract Cleaning Industry Board and the Community Services Industry Board. The Governor-In-Council appoints each Board for a term of three years.

Our Boards are required to meet at least quarterly. The Building and Construction Industry Board is governed by meeting procedures outlined in the Building and Construction Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Act 1991. The Contract Cleaning Industry Board is governed by meeting procedures outlined in the Contract Cleaning Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Act 2005. The Community Services Industry Board is governed by meeting procedures outlined in the Community Services Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Act 2020.

Building and Construction Industry Board

The current term of the Board commenced on 10 November 2022 and expires on 9 November 2025. The Board consists of the following members:

  • the chairperson (Ms Peta Irvine)
  • the deputy chairperson who must have knowledge of, and experience in, financial affairs (Ms Terri Hamilton)
  • directors nominated by organisations that represent employers in the building and construction industry (Ms Penny Cornah, representing the Master Plumbers Association of Queensland; Mr Damian Long, representing the Civil Contractors Federation; and Ms Sue-Ann Fresneda, representing the Queensland Master Builders Association)
  • directors nominated by organisations that represent workers in the building and construction industry (Mr Mark Raguse, representing the AWU; Mr Peter Ong, representing the Electrical Trades Union; and Mr Gary O’Halloran, representing the Plumbers Union Queensland)

The Finance, Audit and Risk Management Committee is in place to provide support and advice to the Board.

Contract Cleaning Industry Board

The current term of the Board commenced on 1 July 2023 and expires on 30 June 2026. The Board consists of six members as follows:

  • the chairperson (Mr John Thompson)
  • the deputy chairperson who must be a person with knowledge of, and experience in, commerce, economics, finance or management (Ms Sue Ryan)
  • two directors nominated by organisations that represent employers in the contract cleaning industry (Mr Kenneth Holder and Ms Kim Puxty, both of the Building Service Contractors’ Association of Australia)
  • two directors nominated by organisations that represent workers in the contract cleaning industry (Mr Damian Davie and Ms Linda Revill of the United Workers Union)

Community Services Industry Board

The current term of the Board commenced on 3 September 2023 and expires on 2 September 2026. The Board consists of eight members as follows:

  • the chairperson (Ms Glenys Fisher)
  • the deputy chairperson who must have knowledge of, and experience in, financial affairs (Ms Jennifer Cullen)
  • two directors nominated by organisations that represent employers in the community services industry (Ms Annette Schoone, representing Queensland Council of Social Service; Mr Matthew Gillett, representing Endeavour Foundation)
  • three directors nominated by organisations that represent workers in the community services industry (Ms Rebecca Girard, representing The Services Union; Ms Justine Moran, The Services Union; and Ms Cheri Taylor, representing the Australian Workers' Union)